Wednesday, April 27, 2011


So not sure if you all watch Extreme Couponing on TLC or not. I do and find it very very interesting and at the same time a bit upsetting. Let me explain I find it very insane that you can go to your local Kroger or whatever and have 4 carts with a grocery bill of $1,100.00 and only pay $10.58. After the first time watching that it was like a instant addiction. All I kept thinking is wow I can do that and I am going to do better. So to start my journey on couponing I took a class here in MI called the Michigan Coupon Class. It cost some where around $25 or what not. I found it very confusing at first but after coming home and sitting with my coupons and my ad's it clicked. Then my next problem was to find the stores that did the best deals i.e.: doubling and tripling. After searching and searching I had hit a wall there was only 1 store with in a hour of me that doubled. So I had to work with that(mine is Kroger). Then the second season of Extreme Couponing came out and it was even more exciting to see how good I can get at this. I am now right around week 7 of doing this. I have received a lot of free items most from drugstores but also a few in the mail. If its not free I have been able to get it down at the lowest price possible for my area. I am feeling very accomplished with this progress.

Now if you are my husband or close friend you would probley find me a bit insane or ADDICTED. Truth is I am I wake up thinking about good deals and I lay in bed awake at night wondering if I am missing out on a good deal lol. I belong to over 15 coupons groups on Facebook. I wake up every morning with at least 5 emails of coupons or free samples. I also just found something new and way exciting to I have been bidding on coupons online at eBay:) I haven’t received a order yet but I am hoping this is going to be sooo worth it. It would cut my couponing time in half probley. I have the intentions of getting up this Sunday morning going to the end of my driveway picking up my delivered newspaper then going to the local party store and purchasing 4 more or Kazoo paper and 4 of our Detroit Free Press. LOL don’t judge me or laugh at me.

I have yet to find this unhealthy in any way. I think and feel I am saving my family money and we all know this day in age we can use all the money we can get. I do have a nice stockpile of our commonly used items. If I had to guess we probley have between $300 to $400 worth of items. Now let me clear this up on my and others behalf. I am a true believer in stockpiling but not to the extent some people do it. I have nothing in my stockpile that we don’t use just about everyday or at least once a week. I find it very upsetting when you see people on TV or in real life with stock piles worth $50,000.00 and over half of it is things the family never uses or doesn’t like. For example the latest debate was a women on TLC who bought 70 something bottles of French's Mustard and no one in her family even eats it. THAT PISSES ME OFF!! That makes me mad every time I walk into a store to get a deal on 1 or 2 items that is on sale and there are none left! There was another women who had hundreds of dollars in diapers and she didn’t even have a baby. These women just thought it was funny to do this to. That is not funny and not fair to the rest of the world that is trying to safe money also. So I am a firm believer that you only purchase what you need, what you use, and what you can use before it expires. Not everything expires but most thing will go bad after awhile (can good are only good for 3 years). So in conclusion I am a very "dedicated" couponer and am loving every min of it so far!!

Happy Couponing Fellow Clippers:)

1 comment:

  1. I sure do miss you lady! I need hours and Michelle help learning this stuff. I totally agree with your stockpiling philosophy. Miss ya :)
